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Is Viz Safe? What To Know Before You Subscribe

Viz only costs about $3 / month to read all the manga your heart can handle. Too good to be true, right? Well, maybe not!


    Viz seems almost too good to be true. For only $3 per month, you can read any manga in Viz’s huge catalog of Shonen Jump and other manga series. So, is it too good to be true, or is Viz completely safe and legit?

    Is Viz Safe To Use? The Breakdown

    Viz is completely safe, legitimate, and legal. Viz Media has been a trusted North American publisher of Shonen Jump manga for many decades. Viz’s website, the Viz app, and the Shonen Jump app all work perfectly and allow subscribers to read any and all of the manga in Viz’s library for a monthly fee.

    As a subscriber to Viz’s manga service (unfortunately, no this isn’t a paid article) I can say that Viz is completely safe. I love my phone and I’m too broke to replace it, so I wouldn’t dream of putting anything on it that I didn’t know was 100% safe. Viz’s app and the Shonen Jump app both work completely flawlessly and they’re the best place to read manga online, in my opinion.

    Viz’s subscription page doesn’t do the best job of looking legit, but Viz Media has been around for a long, long time and they own the North American rights to distribute Shonen Jump and other manga as they see fit. They’ve decided to distribute it through a very cheap subscription, and I’m not gonna argue with them! When you pay for a Viz / Shonen Jump membership, you’re getting exactly what you're promised - a ton of awesome manga!

    Is Viz Official?

    Viz is official, legitimate and safe. The Viz website and app were created by Viz Media, which is one of the largest North American manga publishers and is the American publisher of Shonen Jump - a weekly anthology responsible for many popular manga such as Naruto, My Hero Academia, One Piece, and more.

    Viz is as official as it gets. I’m sure that you know what Shonen Jump is and Viz is their publisher, so you really cannot beat that. Viz’s subscription service gives you full access to their entire manga library, which includes every Shonen Jump series. So if you’re wondering where to read Spy x Family, Demon Slayer, Jujutsu Kaisen, and other great manga officially - the Viz site / app is the place to go.

    I’ve been subscribed to Viz on and off for about a year now and have never had any problems with it. Sometimes they’ll lose rights to a manga, though, which means you won’t be able to read it if you’re a new subscriber. However - if Viz had rights to the manga when you subscribed, you’ll still be able to read it even when they lose the rights! Even if other new subscribers can’t. Viz is much better than any free site I’ve ever used for manga, and it’s only $3 / month so it’s hard to justify using anything else for digital manga.

    Is Viz A Scam?

    Viz is not a scam and legitimately allows subscribers to read any manga published under Viz Media for a monthly fee through the website and app. The Viz website and app (and Shonen Jump app) are owned by Viz Media, which is one of the most successful and popular manga publishers in North America.

    If you’ve heard of Shonen Jump, then you’ve heard of Viz because Viz Media is the North American publisher of Shonen Jump. This means that Viz media has the right to publish some of the most popular manga in America, like One Piece, Demon Slayer, etc.

    In other words, if Viz was a scam, it’d be a huge scandal and likely get a lot of media attention - at least in the gaming / anime / nerd world. If you want some anecdotal evidence, I’ve personally been subscribed to Viz for the last few months (as well as a few months before that on and off) and have never experienced any problems. I can read any manga I want (that they publish) on their website and even on my phone with their app. It’s cheap, works flawlessly and is probably the only subscription service I can justify keeping when I check my bank account.

    Is Viz Reliable?

    Viz is reliable and rarely ever goes down. The Viz website, Viz app, and the Shonen Jump app are all reliable and well-made. Reading the manga is easy because the user interface is intuitive. Viz Media adds manga to their service as it is released, so subscribers never have to wait to read a new chapter.

    I’ve had Viz off and on for the last year or so, and have had my current subscription for a few months, and have never had a problem. I don’t use the app 24/7 of course, but I usually read at least a few chapters a day and have never experienced an outage.

    What I love the most about Viz is that you never have to wait. I’m reading Spy x Family as it comes out and Viz always has the new chapter on its website when it’s released. I’ve seen plenty of free sites over the years and honestly none have come close to Viz when it comes to reliability or being up to date. Of course it’s easy for Viz to stay up to date when they're the publisher of the manga, but still!

    Is Viz Legal To Use?

    Viz is completely legal to use. If you pay for a Viz / Shonen Jump subscription, then it is legal to use the Viz website or app to read manga. Viz Media owns the rights to publish Shonen Jump and other manga, as well as the rights to distribute that manga digitally through their subscription service.

    The Viz website and apps (Viz app and Shonen Jump app) are 100% legal to use because Viz Media literally publishes the manga available on those apps. While we can’t know whether or not Shonen Jump is happy with this arrangement, we can know for a fact that we are allowed to legally read the manga given to us by Viz through their subscription service. If it wasn’t legal, the only people getting in trouble would be Viz. However, I highly doubt Viz would ever risk their company and their reputation by doing something as shady as giving away manga that they do not own the rights to.

    I hope that this article answered all of your questions about Viz Media and its subscription service. They’re completely legitimate and, in my opinion, one of the best places to read manga digitally.

    Spy x Family, Chainsaw Man, and more available on Kindle!

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