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[Spy x Family] Does Loid Love Anya? The Real Answer With Proof

Loid is a super spy and in denial about his own feelings, but that’s never stopped us fans from digging deep into context clues and finding Loid’s true feelings for Anya


    Loid is all business. He doesn’t let his emotions get the best of him and he certainly would never admit to loving Anya, who is just a tool for him to use to complete his mission. However, we fans can see beyond this facade and find the truth.

    Does Loid Love Anya?

    Loid loves Anya in the anime and manga of Spy x Family and has demonstrated his love on numerous occasions. Loid has gone as far as to put his entire mission at risk just to defend Anya and protect her feelings, which is something an experienced super spy like Twilight would do for someone they love.

    Loid is the elite of the elite and we’re shown that immediately in the first episode. (spoilers ahead), so when Loid completely destroyed the desk to “crush a mosquito” during Anya’s Eden University interview - it was because his emotions and love for Anya outweighed the importance of his mission. While Loid may or may not “love” Yor (yet), there’s no doubt in my mind that he truly loves anya.

    Keep in mind that Loid’s success in Operation Strix can literally mean the difference between his nation’s downfall and its safety. So for Loid to put Anya’s feelings above that is a true testament to how he feels about her, and that’s still early in the story. Anya and Loid continue to bond throughout all of Spy x Family, so you’d be hard-pressed to convince me that he doesn’t love Anya.

    Does Loid Care About Anya?

    Loid cares about Anya a great deal and has shown time and time again in the anime and manga just how much he cares for her. One example is when Loid put his entire reputation on the line just to make Anya happy by acting in a performance of her favorite spy show for her with the help of his spy organization.)

    Love and care are two different things, of course, but if Loid loves Anya he obviously cares for her as well. How much he cares for her is made very evident by how much Loid is willing to embarrass himself for Anya. The entire plot of Spy x Family centers around Loid slowly shedding his hard, cold, super spy, espionage-filled shell and allowing himself to get lost in civilian life with Anya and Yor. He shows very early on that he truly cares for Anya and sees her as much more than just a means to an end.

    Signs That Loid Loves Anya (Manga Spoilers Below)

    There have been plenty of signs throughout the manga and anime that Loid loves and cares for Anya. If you’re not very far into the manga, then I suggest reading with caution because I’m going to talk about some people that don’t get introduced until later in the series.

    Putting His Mission And Reputation In Jeopardy For Anya

    There are two huge points in the series that solidified Loid’s love for Anya for me:

    • Reenacting Anya’s favorite spy show (S1 E5)
    • Breaking the table in the Eden University interview

    Floid reenacting Anya’s favorite spy show is not only one of the best Spy x Family episodes ever, but it’s quite literally proof that he loves her, otherwise he’d never put his reputation on the line in front of his entire organization like this. This scene is still hilarious in the manga, don’t get me wrong, but in my opinion, it’s one of the few times the anime really outshines the manga (the manga still outshines the anime plenty of times as well, which is why it’s so fun to compare them.)

    Loid putting his reputation on the line is a huge deal but not as huge of a deal as putting his mission on the line. For a spy like Loid, his mission is basically his life and by being willing to give up his mission, he was practically sacrificing himself and his country for Anya’s sake. To me, that’s as much proof of love as I could ever ask for.

    Look At Fiona

    If you want to see what a true, unloving, cold hearted super spy looks like, then take a look at Fiona. Her demeanor and how she carries herself probably looks a lot like Loid before he met Anya and Yor. Loid has transformed from a Fiona into a skilled spy with a true heart, and it’s so noticeable even Fiona has commented on it (as I’ll mention below.)

    His Colleagues Have Noticed

    Franky and Fiona have both noticed a difference in Loid’s demeanor and his overall vibe since he started a “family” with Yor and Anya. Loid has undoubtedly worked his fair share of espionage missions in the past, many of which have probably involved taking a partner, making a friend, or any other form of playing pretend. However, he has never let the facade slip and truly fallen in love with one of his mission accessories - until now. Franky and Fiona noticing Loid’s change is proof that he sees Anya as much more than an accessory to his mission. It proves that he really loves Anya.

    Does Anya Love Loid?

    Anya loves Loid in the manga and anime of Spy x Family. Throughout the series Anya goes out of her way to help Loid succeed in his mission and shows that her own happiness depends heavily on Loid and his success. Anya loves both of her foster parents and makes it very clear in the series.

    Unlike Loid and Yor, Anya is not cold and calculating at all and is not hiding any aspect of her personality (granted, she is hiding her mind reading abilities, but that doesn’t count.) As far as Anya’s emotions go, what you see is what you get. Anya has shown many times throughout the Spy x Family manga and anime that she is beyond ecstatic to have a mom and dad and that she loves and cares for them very much.

    There you have it. Loid loves Anya and there’s nothing anyone could say to convince me otherwise, even if it’s just because I want to feel the tingly butterflies of a wholesome anime story! I hope you’ve enjoyed my analysis and hopefully Spy x Family will give us even more proof of the Forger family’s love throughout the series.

    Spy x Family, Chainsaw Man, and more available on Kindle!

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