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Is Loid In Love With Yor Or Is It An Act? What Spy x Family Tells Us

Analyzing all of Loid and Yor’s interactions to figure out whether or not Loid and Yor are actually in love or if they’re just playing characters


    If you’re a romantic like I am, then you definitely want to believe that Yor and Loid are truly in love. However, Loid is a literal super spy with in-depth knowledge of espionage and counter-intelligence, so how can we know whether or not it’s an act? We’ve actually been given more information on the subject than what you might think! Let’s take a look.

    Is Loid In Love With Yor?

    Loid is not in love with Yor in the manga or anime of Spy x Family. Loid respects and admires Yor for her strength and personality and does care for her, however he still sees her as part of his mission. Yor has feelings for Loid and is in love with him, but Loid’s feelings toward Yor are not as strong.

    Let’s be honest here, we know that Loid is a bit “weird”. He’s not as emotionally in touch as the rest of us, Yor, or Anya, so for him he may not be able to feel true love. He sees things from an extremely analytical point of view, probably due to his years of being a super spy where his emotions could not only get him killed, but put his entire country in turmoil.

    Volume 8 of the manga is when we really start to see Yor's feelings towards Loid start to evolve into something a little more. So, I'd say Yor is much more "in love" with Loid than he is with her.

    Don’t get me wrong, though, the anime and manga have both shown plenty of signs that Loid actually cares about Yor quite a bit. Remember when Anya was applying to her school and Loid got so angry he was willing to put his entire mission in jeopardy by smashing the desk? This shows that Loid isn’t completely cold and emotionally empty, however he’s still quite a ways away from feeling true love for Yor.

    Signs That Loid Likes Yor

    Loid And Yor Meeting

    When Loid and Yor first meet, it’s because Yor slips past Loid’s perceptions which is not extremely rare, it’s quite literally impossible. Loid chops it up to him being rusty, but then he gives Yor a compliment, which is even more out of character. This shows Loid saw something in Yor from the start - and if you believe in love at first site then it’s a good indicator that there will be a lot more to this relationship than what Loid may want.

    Loid Marrying Yor

    I know, it may seem like Loid only wanted to marry Yor for his mission. However, think about it this way. Loid could’ve married a huge number of other women, including other super spies like himself that would’ve given him a higher chance of success. Yet he chose Yor.

    Loid Killing a Mosquito

    Loid almost literally ruined his entire mission when he smashed the desk at Anya’s Eden Academy interview. Granted, Loid’s anger was mostly from the interviewer’s attacks on Anya and bringing up her deceased mother, Loid didn’t actually destroy the desk until Anya’s love for Yor was brought into question. This almost set Yor off too, yet it got to Loid even faster despite him being the cool, calm, collected one. For Loid to lose his cool like that, he has to have legitimate feelings for both Yor and Anya.

    There are many other examples throughout the anime and the manga of Loid letting his true feelings slip through his cold, super spy exterior. I’m not going to cover every example though since I don't want to spoil the story for anyone that hasn’t gotten that far! Just pay attention and you will see Loid’s exterior start to crack throughout the series.

    Does Yor Love Loid

    Yor does love Loid and shows it anytime they interact with each other. Yor grew attached to Loid pretty much from the moment they met and Loid asked her to marry him. Loid was more than willing to accept Yor for who she is, which was not something Yor was used to, so she immediately fell for Loid.

    While Loid may not love Yor (yet), it’s quite clear from the anime and the manga that Yor truly does love Loid already. Despite being an elite assassin, Yor is not nearly as cold and calculating as Loid is when it comes to civilian life. She embraces being a wife and mother much easier than Loid accepts being a father and husband (even if Yor sometimes contemplates using her abilities to help her family, like when she almost assassinated the parents of an Elden Academy student.)

    I have no doubt in my mind that the love between these two will continue to blossom throughout the series and while Loid may not be there yet, Yor has definitely found her soulmate and the love of her life.

    Does Yor Marry Loid?

    Yor marries Loid in the Spy x Family manga and anime. Loid asks Yor to marry shortly after they meet because Loid needs a wife for his mission and Yor needs a husband so that no one is suspicious of her being an assassin. The two get married and raise Anya as their daughter while learning about each other.

    The entire plot of Spy x Family basically revolves around Yor and Loid’s marriage. However, if you're not paying attention you may have missed the part where they actually get married because it’s basically skimmed over. They basically have a Vegas wedding right after they meet, which makes for a really interesting dynamic. It’s hilarious and heartwarming watching the two of them try to get along and become a real married couple, while also keeping their secret identities away from each other.

    Do Loid and Yor End Up Together in Spy x Family?

    Loid and Yor end up together in Spy x Family. They get married shortly after meeting each other and work together to raise Anya. They are a “pretend” family, but the manga and anime both contain many small details that show Loid and Yor truly care about each other and are in-fact together as a couple.

    Sure things start off as a purely transactional relationship in Spy x Family, but I think it becomes very clear shortly into the series that Yor and Loid are together. Their unique relationship is one of the many reasons why Spy x Family is so popular. Even if sometimes Loid can be a little too cold and calculating for it to be obvious, the only thing that truly ruffles his feathers and throws him off his game are when Anya and / or Yor come into play. If they’re threatened or insulted, he will not hesitate to throw his spy intuitions in the trash and jump to their rescue.

    I hope I’ve given you a new insight into Yor and Loid’s relationship. Loid may not be “in love” with Yor quite yet, but there’s no doubt in my mind that their relationship will blossom into something truly beautiful and that’s part of the reason we tune in and read the manga. While we'renot entirely sure when Spy x Family will end, I'm sure these two will be completely in love by the end of it!

    Spy x Family, Chainsaw Man, and more available on Kindle!

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