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10 Best Spy Family Episodes To Rewatch Over And Over Again

Finding and ranking the top 10 Spy Family episodes of all time - based on the ratings of fans and critics alike.


    Spy Family is one of the most popular anime of the last few years and is something everyone can enjoy, whether they like action, comedy, romance, or anything else. If you’re trying to show someone Spy x Family, then I recommend starting with an episode from this list!

    I’ll start off by giving you the list of the best Spy x Family episodes, but you can scroll down for more information about why each episode is on this list:

    1. The Prestigious School’s Interview (S1 E4)
    2. Project Apple (S1 E13)
    3. Secure A Wife (S1 E2)
    4. The Counter-Secret Police Cover Operation (S1 E8)
    5. The Great Dodgeball Plan (S1 E10)
    6. Will They Pass Or Fail (S1 E5)
    7. The Friendship Scheme (S1 E6)
    8. Prepare For The Interview (S1 E3)
    9. A New Family Member (S1 E15)
    10. Operation Strix (S1 E1)

    1. The Prestigious School’s Interview (S1 E4)

    This episode tops the list because it has everything that we love in Spy x Family. Every character gets a moment to shine, there are tons of twists and turns, and the episode is absolutely hilarious. In this episode, Anya and the Forger family are being tested to check whether they are pristine and classy enough to be worthy of entering Eden College.

    We see just how skilled Loid and Yor are at their respective “jobs” (super spy and super assassin) as they see through the school’s tricks and tests. We also find out just how much Loid truly cares for Anya and his family - so much so that he’s willing to put his entire mission at risk.

    The Prestigious School’s Interview is the best episode of Spy x Family simply for the final interview, but the entire episode is amazing. We also meet Henry Henderson, which is one of my favorite characters in the entire series.

    2. Project Apple (S1 E13)

    Project Apple makes this list for one simple reason - Bond! We finally meet the backbone of the Forger family, a big, white, fluffy DOG! Beyond just meeting Bond, we also get the classic Spy x Family antics that we love. Loid has to delve into a super secret spy mission (that Anya somehow gets herself in the middle of), which means he has to make an excuse that the ever naive and loving Yor takes completely at face value despite being a super assassin herself. The show could go on forever without revealing everyone’s backstory to each other, and I’d be very happy.

    Overall Project Apple is number two on this list because it executes the Spy Family formula perfectly. Spy mission > Anya antics > All's well that ends well. Then on top of that, it adds a new awesome character to the cast, who also happens to be a big fluffy dog. It’s the essence of Spy x Family and there’s nothing not to love.

    3. Secure A Wife (S1 E2)

    Secure A Wife is on this list for the same reason that Project Apple is on it - it introduces a new character in a wonderful way. This episode introduces the Wife / Mother of the family - Yor. Yor is the classic skilled assassin that we’re used to seeing in anime. She’s cunning, brutal, and always gets the job done. As we see throughout the series, though, she’s also extremely naive and pretty ignorant to social norms.

    This episode comes in at number 3 because Yor’s introduction is one of the best character introductions in anime. It does a perfect job of showing us her entire character in just a couple of scenes. We see that she’s a skilled assassin, we see that she doesn’t understand social situations much, and we see that she’s really sweet and lovable. We get some great bonding right off the bat between her, Loid, and Anya, and overall the episode just leaves us with a great taste in our mouths.

    I still like Project Apple more because it epitomizes the series much more than this one - but we can chop that down to this being the 2nd episode, so it still needs to do some introductions before it falls into its formula.

    4. The Counter-Secret Police Cover Operation (S1 E8)

    This episode may actually deserve to be number one, but I’m dropping it down here anyways because it’s my list. This episode is straight up awesome and has everything from drama and twists to excellent situational comedy.

    The episode is about Yor’s brother, Yuri - who’s not only a super dedicated (and borderline obsessed brother), but is also a Spy hunting super agent in his own right. Guess who Yuri’s target and #1 enemy in the whole world is? Twilight, AKA, Loid Forger, AKA Yuri’s new brother in law.

    The episode is hilarious because Yuri has it out for Loid simply because he doesn’t believe Loid is good enough for his sister. He spends the episode putting Loid through the ringer to prove Loid isn’t good enough for his perfect sister. It’s hilarious because Yuri has no clue that Loid is also his greatest nemesis and the super spy known as Twilight, yet still hates him all the same.

    The episode has plenty of drama and twists thanks to this entire situation, but it also has a lot of sweetness and wholesomeness because we find out a LOT about Yor’s backstory and why her brother holds her in such high regards. This episode is towards the top of this list because it really gives us a new perspective of Yor and a little character building is always welcome in my Spy x Family.

    5. The Great Dodgeball Plan (S1 E10)

    The only reason this episode falls all the way down to number 5 is because it’s pretty much a filler episode. However, I love filler episodes in more casual anime like Spy x Family, so I won’t demote it too much. I’m also a sucker for montages, sport competitions, and the classic underdog sports team tropes, so this episode has earned a solid place in my top 10 list.

    The episode is about exactly what the title implies - dodgeball. There’s a dodgeball game at Anya’s school and there’s a rumor that the MVP of the game will earn a Stella Star. Anya needs this star, so we’re treated to a training montage with Anya and Yor, where Anya learns how to throw a ball and play awesome dodgeball. Of course, Yor also completely outs herself as an assassin by showing off all of her skills - well she would if Loid wasn’t somehow completely oblivious…

    Overall, the episode is hilarious and intense. We meet Bill Watkins, a huge hulk of a “child’ and we watch as Anya tries to pull out a W to get the Stella Star. The bonding is nice, the competition is dramatic, and the episode is all-around a Spy Family classic.

    6. Will They Pass Or Fail (S1 E5)

    This episode takes place after the “test” to see whether or not Anya will get into Elden College. That episode ended with an emotional outburst from Loid that would almost certainly rid any chances Anya had of passing. However, the family is greeted by Housemaster Henderson, who informs them that Anya is at the top of the waitlist. We get some wholesome bits about Henderson and his respect for Loid and get a peek into just how great Henderson is as a character (and why he’s one of my favorites.)

    However, the first portion of the episode has very little to do with why it made this list (even though I really enjoy them showing Henderson’s morals.) The reason this made this list is the hilarious play that happens later with Anya, Loid, and Loid’s spy agency. It’s devious on Anya’s part and hilarious to watch the serious superspy Loid have to play pretend to make his new daughter happy. Overall, this is one of the most wholesome and comedy-packed episodes of Spy x Family.

    7. The Friendship Scheme (S1 E6)

    Episode 6, The Friendship Scheme is one of the first episodes to really dive into the core drama and story of Spy x Family. Before now we’ve been meeting all of the characters and exploring their dynamics. Now we finally see what Spy x Family is really about - super spy action and Anya antics.

    This episode introduces Damian Desmond, the son of Loid’s target, Donovan Desmond. This episode is so great because there are intense, political, spy dynamics at play AND little kid brattiness, bullying, and annoyances. This episode makes this list because it’s really the first time we see Loid pursuing his mission, and it feels like we’re finally past the introductory episodes and are getting into the actual content of Spy Family. It pulls us in and makes us wonder if and how Loid will pull his mission off.

    8. Prepare For The Interview (S1 E3)

    This episode makes the list because it has equal parts wholesomeness and comedy. In this episode, Loud tries to prepare Anya for her entrance exam, which means a ton of studying, memorization, and recital practice. I’m sure you understand what kind of character Anya is at this point, so I probably don’t need to tell you how funny it is watching her try to learn every detail about Eden’s history and how she should respond to questions about her hobbies.

    What really makes this episode stand out and make the top 10 list is Loid’s inner conflict. His whole career he’s only had to rely on himself to accomplish his missions, and he’s always succeeded. He’s practically the John Wick of the Spy x Family universe. Now he has to rely on two other people; Anya and Yor. The episode shows us his struggle with this and really solidifies that this will be a theme throughout the entire anime. This episode makes this list because this is the first episode that introduces this key theme of the show.

    9. A New Family Member (S1 E15)

    Project Apple originally introduced Bond, but now we actually get to see Bond adopted by the family, which is awesome. Any episode focused around Bond and/or Anya deserves to be on this list and A New Family Member isn’t any different. In this episode we see another very important theme in the anime - Floid truly cares for Anya and doesn’t want to see her hurt. So he has to do everything in his power to protect her, despite her being practically in the center of this Cold War spy operation.

    Beyond just Loid’s character growth with Anya, this episode also delivers some awesome Anya-at-school action. Anya is the most Anya-ish when she’s at school and has no one to reel her in. She spends this episode trying to convince Damian to be her friend using Bond as a bargaining chip. It’s just very sweet seeing Anya try so hard to help Loid succeed in his mission.

    10. Operation Strix (S1 E1)

    I’ve probably seen the first episode of Spy x Family, Operation Strix, 20 times at this point (well, I haven’t paid attention that many times, but it’s the best “background” anime out right now). I haven’t rewatched the series that many times, don’t get me wrong, but this is just such a great introductory episode.

    The episode starts out extremely serious, with the assassination of an official. Then it transitions to officials talking about their retaliation plans, a cold war, and plenty of other classic spy tropes. Then we meet Loid. So far everything seems super serious. The music is awesome, the character and world designs all fit the theme perfectly, and it seems like we’re getting ready for an intense espionage drama. And then we meet Anya…

    This episode is great because it sets the tone of the show and lets us know that it will have a little something of everything. It introduces Loid’s comedic seriousness and Anya’s silliness. It’s one of the best first episodes of any modern anime, which is why it had to be on this list.

    Spy x Family, Chainsaw Man, and more available on Kindle!

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