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When Will The Spy Family Manga End? Everything We Know

All good things must come to an end, and unfortunately Spy x Family is no different. But how long does the popular espionage manga actually have?


    There’s a lot of speculation among manga fans on Reddit, Twitter, Youtube, and all across the web about how and when Spy x Family will end. I’m here to give you all the facts that we know (with a healthy dose of speculation.)

    When Will The Spy Family Manga End?

    The Spy Family manga will probably end after 20 volumes have been released (which likely won’t be until 2024.) The Spy x Family manga has no planned end as of right now. Tatsuya Endo (Spy Family’s Author) has not given an official end date or planned ending for Spy Family, but the series is extremely popular.

    Popular manga aren’t really fans of ending, especially when they’re as goofy, popular, and open-ended as Spy x Family. If you're waiting for it to end before you start the series, you may be waiting a long time. In all honesty, it's probably better to just buy a bulk set of however many volumes you want. This will usually save you anywhere from $20 - 50 depending on how many volumes you're buying and whether or not you found them on sale.

    We’ve done an entire analysis of why Spy x Family is so popular, but what it boils down to is that:

    • Spy x Family has something for everyone - romance, comedy, drama, action, etc
    • The characters (and their relationships) are awesome, unique, and lovable
    • Everyone loves old school spies

    So Spy x Family is pretty much timeless and has potential to be relevant practically forever. However, there are many popular manga that have come to an end way sooner than 20 volumes in. Afterall, the entire Death Note series only has 12 volumes in total, and it is one of the most popular manga and anime of all time. It also has one of the coolest looking box sets!

    Spy x Family has an advantage over a manga like Death Note, though, because Death Note is much more serious and reeled in. Spy x Family can do pretty much anything it wants and nothing will feel out of place. They could even introduce something as whacky as a talking dog and no one would bat an eye.

    Death Note, on the other hand, had a much more “down to earth” plot, and fans would’ve been beyond upset if the writers dragged the series out beyond a proper ending (some fans even argue that 12 volumes were too many.)

    What I’m getting at here is that Spy x Family can continuously release as much manga as they want. They’ll always be able to add in a new plot or a new character, and it will all feel natural. This means Spy x Family can hang with manga like Assassination Classroom and Dragon Ball Z when it comes to the number of volumes and printing period.

    How Many Spy Family Episodes Are There?

    There are 25 episodes of Spy Family in total. The first season of the Spy x Family anime has 12 episodes, while the second season has 13 episodes. Season 2 of Spy x Family premiered on October 1, 2022. Currently, only about 17 episodes of Spy x Family are dubbed and available on Crunchyroll.

    We know for a fact that Spy x Family will have 13 episodes in total because this has been confirmed by the producers of the show. How long will the series be in total? Well it’s all speculation, but most fans believe that as long as the manga holds its popularity - the anime will follow!

    When Will The New Spy Family Manga Release?

    The newest Spy Family manga (Volume 9) will be released March 21, 2023. The manga can be read earlier by reading its chapters on Shonen Jump. New Spy x Family chapters are released once every two weeks via Shonen Jump (published in America by Viz Media.) The subscription costs $2 per month.

    You can actually pre-order Spy x Family Volume 9 on Amazon right now. A new volume releases once every six months or so and you can always check when the next volume is coming out by checking stores like Amazon.

    Now, if you’re waiting on the next chapter, then you can check the official Shonen Jump app. A new chapter of Spy x Family releases once every two weeks (14 days). So, just check the last time a chapter was released and add two weeks to it.

    Spy x Family used to release quite often. New chapters would be released every week or so and new volumes would be released every few months. Nowadays the manga has slowed down, despite still being extremely popular. This isn’t very uncommon. Once a manga becomes extremely popular, it can afford to slow down its release schedule because it knows fans will always be excited to read it.

    Is The Spy Family Manga Over?

    The Spy Family manga is not over and currently has no verified or planned end date. The Spy x Family manga is still being released one chapter at a time through Viz Media’s Shonen Jump app. One chapter is released every two weeks, and a new volume of the physical manga is released about once every 6 months.

    I went over it above, but it’s unlikely that Spy x Family is going to end anytime soon. The manga is still selling extremely well and the anime is still very popular, so there’s no reason for Viz, Shonen Jump, or anyone else to pull the plug anytime soon.

    Manga like Spy Family, that are very popular, and extremely casual-friendly can go on practically indefinitely. Just look at the Dragon Ball franchise for an example. While Dragon Ball is iconic and we can’t compare it to Spy x Family too much - I still expect Spy x Family to get over twenty volumes before all is said and done.

    How Often Does The Spy Family Manga Come Out?

    A new chapter of the Spy Family manga is released once every two weeks (14 days.) A new volume of the physical manga for Spy x Family is released about every 6 months. The new chapters can be found on Viz Media’s Shonen Jump app immediately when they are released and can be read for free.

    Spy x Family used to have a faster schedule, and new chapters would be released every week while new volumes would be released once every few months. Nowadays, though, we really have to wait for our dose of the Forger fam. Every two weeks on the dot, a new chapter of Spy x Family is released on Shonen Jump for anyone to read digitally.

    You can even read the newest chapter for free, if you know what you’re doing! If you don’t want to read digitally, though, then you’re going to be waiting a while for releases. Right now, the newest volume of Spy x Family isn’t coming out until March 21, 2023, which is about 6 months after the last volume, which was released in September.

    How Long Is Spy Family

    The Spy Family anime is 25 episodes long. The Spy x Family manga has about 72 chapters and 8 volumes released, with a 9th releasing on March 21, 2023. Spy x Family currently has no planned end, so nobody knows how long the Spy x Family manga or anime will be before they finally come to an end.

    Right now season 2 of the Spy x Family anime is still airing, so you won’t be able to watch all 25 episodes. However, unless something extremely out of the ordinary happens, those 25 episodes will be released and available to watch eventually.

    The manga has no planned end date, but has 8 volumes out at the moment. You can also pre-order the 9th volume of the manga, which will be released in March of 2023. By the time the 9th volume of the manga is out, there will be so many chapters available digitally that a 10th volume will be practically guaranteed (the Japanese Spy x Family manga also has 10 volumes, which makes it even more likely.)

    There are also 72 chapters of the manga available to read on the Shonen Jump app for those that want to read digitally. You can read the first and last 3 chapters of the manga for free, but if you want to read more, then you’ll need to pay $2 / month. If you’re debating whether or not you should purchase a subscription, then feel free to take a look at our breakdown on whether or not Viz’s Shonen Jump subscription is worth it.

    Alright, hope I could catch you up on the Spy Family manga and anime and their release dates! There’s a ton of chapters out right now, and two awesome seasons. Hopefully there will be more to come, but until then - thanks for reading!

    Spy x Family, Chainsaw Man, and more available on Kindle!

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